
Foeldi Advanced Lymphoedema Course

This was the best advanced refresher I have attended.  Professor Foeldi was on-hand with lectures and participate in our complex case presentations.  Lots of learning with Guenter (Klose Training), too.

International refresher (held in English) at Hinterzarten, Germany.  Click here for more information.


June 20-24 class with Prof. Foeldi


Also, visited Medi at Bayreuth and Bauerfeind (Singapore office) on the way back.  Do you know both have ready-to-wear round-knit garments in 2 lengths and almost 7-8 size options?  And Bauerfeind has the Normal and Plus size for each small/medium sizes and so on?

Le Duc

Le Duc is another school of thought for Manual Lymphatic Drainage. I do not know of anyone trained in Le Duc so I am unable to comment on this. Look up Le Duc UK

Updated 2019: It is now known as Lymphoedema Training Academy

Foldi Clinic Germany

This is one of the reputable Specialist Clinic in Germany for Lymphology.

Professor Foldi. Foeldi klinik or Hospital

Vodder Austria at Walchsee

Bi-annual Dr Vodder Review but in Vodder Austria this time!